2024.04.05 12:40

ITAA 2024 World Conference(24.08.08-10)

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ITAA 2025 World Conference(24.08.08-10)

2025 World TA Conference

Exploring legacy, legitimacy and identity

Transactional Analysis in a changing world

8–10 August, 2025

Le Corum, Montpellier, France


In an ever-evolving world, the concepts of legacy, legitimacy, and identity hold immense significance in shaping our individual and collective experiences. As we gather for the next World Transactional Analysis Conference, we delve into these profound themes to unravel their impact on personal development, relationships, and societal transformations.


Legacy goes beyond the material possessions we leave behind. It encompasses the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual imprints we make on the world. How does transactional analysis contribute to understanding the transmission of values, behaviors, emotions, and narratives from one generation to the next? How can we work with clients to empower them to create intentional legacies that align with their authentic selves? How do we respect and transcend the legacy left to us by Eric Berne and the first generation of transactional analysts?


The perception of legitimacy influences our decisions, interactions, and self-worth. Exploring legitimacy within the context of transactional analysis involves examining societal norms, cultural influences, and personal narratives that shape our sense of belonging and acceptance. How can transactional analysis help individuals to challenge and redefine their limiting beliefs about legitimacy? How can practitioners promote a sense of empowerment and agency to constructively challenge unfair systems?


Identity is a multifaceted frame that shapes our self-concept, relationships, and aspirations. As the world becomes more interconnected, questions of identity become increasingly complex. How does transactional analysis offer tools for understanding and reconciling conflicting identities? How can the theory contribute to fostering a sense of self that is resilient, adaptable, and inclusive of diverse aspects?


This conference will feature thought-provoking keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and panel discussions led by renowned experts in the transactional analysis fields of psychotherapy, counseling, education, organizations, management, coaching, and training. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the intersections of legacy, legitimacy, and identity through case studies, research presentations, and experiential activities.


Join us as we embark on a journey to deepen our understanding of these pivotal themes and their implications for personal growth, professional practice, and societal progress. Together, we will explore how transactional analysis can be a guiding framework for individuals and professionals navigating the complexities of legacy, legitimacy, and identity in an ever-changing world. The conference is intended to be a place to discuss questions related to these profound themes to unravel their impact on personal development, relationships, work, and societal transformation.


We look forward to receiving proposals in the Transactional Analysis fields of psychotherapy, counseling, education, and organization. We welcome presentations about theory development, practical applications, and innovative ways to thinking about and presenting TA. We invite you to submit your program ideas for consideration by 31 May 2024 using the dedicated platform: https://www.ifat-asso.org/wtac-2025/


If you don’t have a WTAC IFAT login/password, please click on “Create account,” follow the process, and contact the WTAC IFAT team to validate your account (email wtac2025@ifat-asso.org ).


With your proposal submission, please upload onto the platform (dedicated area to upload those files):


the WTAC Workshop contract reviewed and signed by you (pdf format here or word format here)

your professional photo (for the program print and web)

references or bibliography relative to your workshop in a pdf or Word document

If you have any trouble accessing or using the platform, please contact our dedicated team: wtac2025@ifat-asso.org


Please note that a separate proposal submission is required for each presentation.




~WTAC 2025 Program CommitteeITAA 2025 World Conference

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